Days 8 and 9

 Today I ventured into the low security space, although virtually looking the same as high security space, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched from everywhere. Kind of spooky and somewhat quiet, distrustful environment. I had to really rely on my ships directional scanner to let me know if someone is coming towards me to capture me or kill me. 

After overcoming that mind block and fear of low security space that I had, I set a course for the nearest asteroid belt hoping to find some pirates to kill and loot. Those first 20 minutes were very tense because I never knew if someone was watching me, if someone wanted to kill me...

I've heard stories of capsuleers, people like me, intentionally hunting other capsuleers for profit, It was hard for me to believe in those stories because capsuleers are tested and trained professionals that would not become capsuleers if they acted that way through the training. But as you live you learn, so I was there, killing pirates in asteroid belts when I noticed a ship on my scanner, I haven't thought much of it because lots of ships passed through my scanner range just traveling, but I reduced my scanner range and the ship was still there, I reduced it again and again until I couldn't anymore when it hit me that it's coming for me! I quickly aligned to the sun and warped just in time. 

My heart was pounding hard and fast, it took me a few minutes for the adrenaline in my blood to cool off. But there is no rest for the wicked, that pilot scanned me down again and was warping to the sun where I was. Panic kicked in and I've warped to the stargate and jumped not thinking where I was jumping to.

And to my horror I found myself in a null security system! For those of you that don't know what a null security system is let me explain... Low security space is death and null security space is death times five. I tried to stay calm and remember my training, SAFE SPOTS! I've made quite a few of those just in case. After I was set and was feeling relatively safe I started looking around. No one was present in the system, I was alone. 

A few asteroid belts were present in the system so I made my way there but I found those pirates to be too strong for me to take on solo at this stage in my career so I left those alone. Other than those asteroid belts there wasn't much for me to do in there yet so I made my way back to low security space hoping that my little friend that tried to kill me is gone. 

Turns out he can cloak himself on command, which is something new to me because I am not able to do that. Anyways I got killed but managed to save my capsule, I think this concludes my low security space ventures for now.

Interesting things those capsules are don't you think? Where do they come from and how did we get the idea of using them? I shall research into that more just for fun and curiosity.

I've got to talk to my dad again today, he finally decided to talk about my family history, he says that the Vemane family moved to Gallente space and became Gallente, he also said that the Vemane family is vast and it would be too much for us to look into everyone there is and to better stay away from that, but I feel like he is missing the important details. Now I am determined to uncover the whole truth about my family, who else is out there? Do I have a sibling I don't know about? Where are my grandparents and who were they?


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